Our rules for each server!
- any kind of spam
- advertisment of other servers
- annoying and provocating admins or players
- racism
- insult server or administration
- unvisible dark nickname
- camping and very passive game
- killing the opponent on spawnpoint in the moment when map started
- using cheats, mods and other soft making game unfair
- being out of the map
- being stuck without any way to be killed
- teamplay with players who are not your clanmates*
- FPS minimum is 20
- Ping maximum is 270
*Teamplay is playing with another player(s) in team.
Could be described as teamplay:
- not killing (pushing) the player in the moment while he can be killed (well-attacked) easily
- obviously several players are playing against another player(s), while dont touch each other
Situation when one player is killed by several players is not always proof that it is teamplay!
::: Rules For Admins :::
- be polite, adequate
- don't abuse your power
- always try to prevent the violation
- help to the newbies
- watch if the rules arent broken hardly
- mute spamers
- ban cheaters forever (be sure that its not lag or bug! dont listen other players! make proof like screenshot)
- kick or mute people who are ignoring the rules
- always write the clear reason of mute/kick/ban
- never use rights against other admins
- if you see a bug or another problem on the server, report it to the Administrators
Remember! All situations are different. So you should be flexible!
- any kind of spam
- advertisment of other servers
- annoying and provocating admins or players
- racism
- insult server or administration
- unvisible dark nickname
- camping and very passive game
- killing the opponent on spawnpoint in the moment when map started
- using cheats, mods and other soft making game unfair
- being out of the map
- being stuck without any way to be killed
- teamplay with players who are not your clanmates*
- FPS minimum is 20
- Ping maximum is 270
*Teamplay is playing with another player(s) in team.
Could be described as teamplay:
- not killing (pushing) the player in the moment while he can be killed (well-attacked) easily
- obviously several players are playing against another player(s), while dont touch each other
Situation when one player is killed by several players is not always proof that it is teamplay!
::: Rules For Admins :::
- be polite, adequate
- don't abuse your power
- always try to prevent the violation
- help to the newbies
- watch if the rules arent broken hardly
- mute spamers
- ban cheaters forever (be sure that its not lag or bug! dont listen other players! make proof like screenshot)
- kick or mute people who are ignoring the rules
- always write the clear reason of mute/kick/ban
- never use rights against other admins
- if you see a bug or another problem on the server, report it to the Administrators
Remember! All situations are different. So you should be flexible!